February 27, 2010

An excellent new zine from Hunter students preparing for the March 4th walkout:

We’re always told that if we work hard we’ll succeed.

We wake up in the morning, get ready, then go off to school, or work, or work AND school, so that we can have enough money to go about our lives today and get the credentials we need for tomorrow.

We spend all of our free time studying or trying to relax because of all the pressure.

Many of us come from immigrant families, who came to the US for freedom and economic opportunities. Some of us are descendants of slaves, and we’re told that now that we have a black president, racism is pretty much a thing of the past. We’re told that now, if we just work hard, if we obey the rules and don’t cause trouble, we can all live the American Dream.

But is this dream a reality?


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